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Augmented Reality Works

4 Truths of Non-Duality

Click on the image to view it on Instagram 

Titled: 4 Truths of Non-dualism (Advaita Vedanta-
1- Ahimsa (non-violence) Martin Luther King represented as the spiritual knot.
2- Asanga (non-attachment) I used an Enso circle to represent it.
3- Abhaya (fearlessness) Sophie Scholl, represented by the connected circles.
4- Ananda (bliss) represented by the lines
The background painting size is 6’x4’, mostly acrylic. Augmented Reality parts are Sumi-E ink, digitized in photoshop.

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Hermetic Principles

Click on the image to view it on Instagram

Seven Hermetic principles
The principle of mentalism.
The principle of correspondence.
The principle of vibration.
The principle of polarity.
The principle of rhythm.
The principle of cause and effect.
The principle of gender.


AR Animation Practice

Learning to use moving assets on the AR platform

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Probability Space/Jacob’s Ladder

Click on the image to view it on Instagram

The background painting is 4’x6’, mostly acrylic. Augmented Reality pieces are digitized watercolor layers. When you stand up in front of the painting, you don’t see the ladder steps until you use the AR platform. You can walk around it to see 3D.

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AR Practice

Learning to turn ink work into digital assests

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